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catching the tail

2013 April 4
by Rachel Turiel

Charlie’s Angels?

First, you guys are the nicest people ever and I appreciate you reaching out through your computer screen to grab my hand and squeeze it. I felt that.

Second, on wanting: I want a lot of things I can’t have (a full-moon butt), and a lot of things that wouldn’t be good for me (the glowing sun of praise to always shine on me). Instead of throwing the tarp of shame and faux-asceticism over my pile of wants and trying to roll them into the Closet of Secrets, I say, “oh wanting, it’s you, again. Let me hold you and rock you and when you’re ready, I’ll set you free.” (repeat, repeat, repeat). And while seeking endless praise will net me as much as the dog chasing its tail, if I continue to show up with my pen and paper, there will be some really excellent hours writing on the first floor of the library, which is way better than actually catching that tail.

Third, some of you asked what my homeschooling plans are for Rose, given my understanding that she needs something different, something more. For now, my plans are to rise up to meet her needs in our little homeschooliverse. And also, to allow her to get to know her wanting. Part of the reason I homeschool is to give my kids the gift of choosing their own adventure, even if it starts out looking like a regular Wednesday morning with all the same old characters and plotlines. (Remember this post? I believe in my kids’ ingenuity and imagination) And I trust that if we show up with our shaky hope and courage and willingness to grow, we’ll get what we need.

Fourth, what do we do with dandelion pesto? I like it on crackers, as a dip for carrots and also to humbly bring to potlucks. Oh, this? Just a little wildcrafted nutritional power slam. Enjoy!

Fifth, thank you for your interest in online writing classes. Wow. My biggest reservation is concern that I wouldn’t be able to serve students well in an online venue. But, if and when I figure out how to make it work, I will let you know. And, YES to the editing and writing coaching. I have already been contacted by a few readers about this. If you are interested in one-on-one (online and phone) editing and writing coaching, please e-mail me.

Okay, does that cover everything?



ps: Supah special giveaway here tomorrow.

pps: Next batch of piñon salve going out today. I’d love a quickie e-mail to know when you receive yours.


3 Responses leave one →
  1. Andrea permalink
    April 4, 2013

    oh, i think that covers everything. except, do i have to be a writer to chat with you on the phone? love.

  2. Andrea permalink
    April 4, 2013

    ps. i got my salve (from the first batch), like, in two days! i will report to you further via email soon.

    praise to the pinon!

  3. April 5, 2013

    were you writing about me yesterday??? except that it’s me and my worries about homeschooling (oh wait, that’s the same), and the moving upheaval and unknowns coming down the pike like a brick wall at breakneck speed, and my girl is bigger and wants more friends, her own phone, lots and lots of time to check her email and maybe some cute new boots and was seen pressed against our front window this week, obsessively checking every move the 6th graders made while they waited for their parents to pick them up after school. it is a little painful…you didn’t mention tears in your approach, but i have found that letting a few go in the darker moments is also very helpful and is sometimes my first step back up.

    and now, thanks to you, i have my mind trained like a monkey on dandelion pesto…THANKS!

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