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Dan, quoted

2016 February 10
by Rachel Turiel

Last Saturday at 7:30 am Rose and I hopped in our truck to rescue Dan. He was about five miles from our house watching elk and deer emerge from the dark, early morning when his car battery died. I hadn’t been in the truck for awhile and noticed a few things. In the front seat were two game bags to optimize spontaneous roadkill opportunities. Perched on the dashboard was a milkweed pod, its hundreds of tiny, feathery seeds the perfect device to illuminate wind direction, determining if your scent is moving towards or away from the animals. You know, basic emergency tools.


It’s so great to just be your weird, unconventional self; to love what you love without apology, explanation or a need for approval; to know what brings you meaning and to follow it like a bloodhound. How lucky it is to have passions, to be called to investigate the endless mysteries of life, to have a reason to get up before the sun rises. It’s like taking out an insurance policy against boredom, depression, restlessness. It doesn’t matter what you love – honeybees, cast iron cookware, the thrill of the opening notes of a concert, spotting antlers in the forest newly cast from an elk’s head. It only matters that you’re here, loving it.

Some Dan quotes I’ve been collecting:

:: “I feel so decadent to have a new compost bucket!”


:: “Doesn’t this snow make you feel so rich? It’s like filling the bank account for a green summer.”

home days

:: “I was hiking uphill and I noticed my sweat smelled just like when you open up a deer: like musk and juniper berries and a little minty.”


:: Dan: “John and Sue’s dog was a little standoffish until he smelled me. Then he became verrrry interested.”

Me: “What did he smell?”

Dan: “Oh, brains, deer head, hide, antler marrow, turkey feathers and sinew tidbits.”

I want to say this: trust your passions. Follow them with the open mind of a child. Don’t worry about making money off them, or what society says, notice the joy that pays off like maturing dividends. Maybe you’re obsessed with knitting, or running, or educating your children, or finding delicious ways to eat vegan. No matter the topic, it belongs to you. Dive in, and enjoy



18 Responses leave one →
  1. Sarah permalink
    February 10, 2016

    I want to be more like Dan!

  2. Emily permalink
    February 10, 2016

    The way you love your family is inspiring :)

  3. Sparks permalink
    February 10, 2016

    Right on!

  4. Kathy permalink
    February 10, 2016

    Thank YOU! I needed that reminder to be myself and continue to pursue this crazy need of mine to find out all I can about my ancestors. I wish they could speak louder, but they have left some trails. I will follow…

    • Rachel Turiel permalink
      February 11, 2016

      What a gift to your descendants. I just had a small meltdown of regret that I hadn’t asked my grandparents more questions when they were alive.

  5. February 10, 2016

    Thank you!

  6. Andrea permalink
    February 10, 2016


  7. Kayleigh permalink
    February 10, 2016

    This was inspirational, especially after what has happened tonight… thanks!

    • Rachel Turiel permalink
      February 11, 2016

      Uh oh. What happened?

  8. Erica permalink
    February 10, 2016

    I just have to tell you that I’m the type of person who saves the best for last in most every situation, so when I see your posts pop up in my blog feed, I always hoard them for a few days before I read them. Knowing it is still sitting there waiting makes me happy, and I don’t want it to be finished too quickly. My blog feed was finally empty, so I just read this one in record time for me. Ha. Love your writing!!

    • Rachel Turiel permalink
      February 11, 2016

      Aww, Erica. Thank you for sharing your appreciation. That feels so good to hear.

  9. nan permalink
    February 11, 2016

    Who would not love a man that is happy to have a new compost bucket ? . Dan is a keeper, and so are you.

  10. Meredith Pollick permalink
    February 11, 2016

    Lovely. Just what I needed to hear.

  11. Drew permalink
    February 12, 2016

    I particularly needed to hear this. As always, the best thing that arrives in my inbox each week. Thanks!

  12. Joy permalink
    February 14, 2016

    This made me laugh out loud :) thanks!!

  13. Connie Colburn permalink
    February 25, 2016

    Yes, I do the same thing as Erica :)

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