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this moment *and* the good word from my sponsors

2012 June 1

{this moment}

{this moment}: a Friday ritual. A moment from the week to savor and remember.

Also, did you want to see the frost-puppies:


It’s June (happy June!), and apparently I’m so ready to throw off all my responsibilities that I completely forgot to write and send in my newspaper column on Wednesday, y’know the one I’ve been writing for four years, never missing a deadline. It’s too hot to work (but apparently too cold for tomatoes) and I’m caught up in the excitement over my kids’ new lifestyle of freedom now that they’ve shucked off the little formal school they do. Someday, summers off for everyone. Socialized summers! Are you with me?

I have a new sponsor to introduce today, but first…some announcements from my longtime, faithful sponsors:

1) Dr Stacy Mulkey, from Namaste Health Center, is giving a talk on the 5 W’s of Living Gluten Free: 

* what is gluten?

* Why is gluten a problem?

* When in history did gluten become a problem?

* Who should be gluten free?

* Where in La Plata County can you find gluten free products?

The talk is Sunday, June 3rd @ 4pm at Body of Work, 679 E. 2nd Ave, Unit 10. $3 donation requested to cover space and gluten free snacks from the Wood Ranches Gluten Free Bakery.

2) Natalie Christensen, co-owner of Feeleez: Toys for emotional intelligence, and Parenting Coach, is offering 30% off phone consults to readers of 6512 and growing. Natalie is fantastic at suggesting a pathway which illuminates blind spots and leads you to the sanest, most effective and compassionate trail through the trees of parenting. This is not hearsay; she is my go-to parenting sage. In fact, she’s developed quite a following in Durango due to my enthusiastic recommendations. Contact her here.

Sigh. I love my sponsors.

And, welcome to my new sponsor:

See the guitar? Isn’t that a beautiful logo?

The Guitar Dojo is a Suzuki Talent Education school located in Durango, CO (currently in the Smiley Building).

The Dojo’s next class is Dalcroze Camp.

Have you heard of Dalcroze?

Dalcroze is offered in music conservatories throughout the US and Europe.  For the first time ever it is being offered in Durango!
In Ruth Cutcher of Guitar Dojo’s words: In a Dalcroze class you can see music in motion, hear instructions from the piano and feel the teaching points.  Our bodies are our instruments and the piano is the teacher. (Live piano!)  The leader of the Dalcroze class guides students through musical experiences where they learn concepts in their bodies. Through purposeful movement, socially interactive games and improvisation, students engage in multiple learning modalities.  Dalcroze is a joyful and dynamic process that cultivates all aspects of musicianship.

Doesn’t that sound amazing? I’m hoping to sign Rose up in the 4-6 year old category because “her body is an instrument” is exactly how she lives.
Dalcroze is offered for all ages here in Durango during the week of June 4th – 8th at Needham Elementary. Get more details here.
Also, if you sign up for a week of Dalcroze camp, Ruth Cutcher of Guitar Dojo will give your family 10% off her guitar lessons for children and wave the $150 fee for the parent course. Just mention 6512 and growing. 
Have a fabulous weekend, friends.

3 Responses leave one →
  1. June 1, 2012

    Grilling season has begun! Food on the grill, toes in the sand and hands in the garden – yes it’s a great time of year. Sorry you missed your deadline. Yesterday, I realized almost too late I had made three appointments for the exact same time. Seriously?!? My head is somewhere else…

  2. June 8, 2012

    There’s a guitar shop a block from us and we’d love for our daughter to give guitar lessons a shot there. Neither of us play an instrument, which makes us all the more determined that our girls will someday.

  3. June 8, 2012

    There’s a guitar shop a block from us and we’d love for our daughter to give guitar lessons a shot there. Neither of us play an instrument, which makes us all the more determined that our girls will someday.

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