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By the way

2015 July 9
by Rachel Turiel

All Col and Rose will remember about our camping trips when they’re 40:

by the way3

The big stand up:

by the way8

Col, contemplating, as Dan and Rose go ever higher:by the way4

Father and daughter, approaching what’s next, hand in hand:by the way6

The picture that Rose made us pose way too long for, plus why is she turning the camera sideways, oh, just let her go for it, we’ll erase it later, but hey, it actually turned out pretty good:by the way7

By the way, the delightfully exciting thing that is happening here in this household is that the kids and the parents are meeting at the precise crossroads of intersecting movie tastes. Which means family movie night need not include the predictable foibles of an animated, whining monkey. Though, it does seem to include Rose asking approximately twenty question per scene.

We all recently gathered on the couch to watch The Right Stuff, a historical dramatization of the early inroads of NASA’s space program. We all loved it! It had aviation excitement (for Col), and relationship subtleties (for me and Rose), the intense rigours through which astronauts were put in hopes of being selected (Dan), and an interesting look at striving in the name of national pride, and (holy moly), the extreme risk-taking personality laid bare. A lesson in so much.

We also recently loved, Wild Horse, Wild Ride (instant play on Netflix), a documentary on a program in which people are given 100 days to tame a wild mustang. The film follows several different contestants and their horses, detailing their different approaches, and ultimately their love and connection with these large, wild and soulful creatures.

I would love any suggestions you all have for family friendly movies. Col is 10, Rose is 8. 

I also want to recommend the memoir, Merle’s Door: lessons from a freethinking dog, by Ted Kerasote. It’s a beautiful story chronicling Kerasote’s adoption of a feral dog near the San Juan River, and what he learns over 14 years of honing his communication with the dog. They build an unusual relationship, based more of mutual understanding and compromise (much like the kind of parenting I strive for) than the typical insistence on obedience. I read portions of this to Col and Rose, which they also loved.

Book recommendations welcome, too, as always.

Also, I am teaching two upcoming classes, to which I’d like to invite you:

Fermented Beverages: Kombucha and Ginger Ale

Tuesday, July 14th 6pm – 7:30, at Durango Natural Foods Co-op. (970) 247-8129. Co-taught with Jennifer Smith.

Learn the art and science of making these easy, delicious, living & nutritionally-beneficial drinks.
Participants will sample both drinks, go through a step by step process to make each,
learn how to obtain a kombucha scoby & go home with a ginger ale starter.
Free scobys [an acronym for Symbiotic Colony Of Bacteria and Yeast] available to first 7 sign ups!

* little known fact: I’ll be bringing the latest batch of chokecherry mead. Potent stuff.

* other little known fact: Jennifer Smith, my co-teacher, is a wealth of nutritional information.

$17/Co-op member $20/non-member
Space is limited, so prepay/sign up with one of our friendly Co-op cashiers.

Wild Weed Identification and Cuisine

by the way2

Soaking dandelion greens and purslane: our daily multivitamin.

Wednesday, July 29th, 6pm – 7:30, at Durango Natural Foods Co-op. (970) 247-8129

Common garden weeds are packed with nutrients, adapted to native soil conditions and natural rainfall. Meet at Rachel’s in-town garden to identify common, edible weeds, discuss history, culture, philosophy, learn the best time to pick them, which parts are edible and how to prepare them.
Learn which common weed has Omega-3 amounts to rival flax seeds; and which plant has more nutrients than spinach, though will never ask as much from you as a gardener.
Learn appetizing ways to introduce these nutrient dense plants into your meals.
Return to the Co-op to enjoy delicious creamy amaranth-artichoke dip as well as a diverse wild weed salad!
Recipes & handouts included.

$17/Co-op member $20/non-member
Space is limited, so prepay/sign up with one of our friendly Co-op cashiers.

by the way

Amaranth: gorgeous and free.

I absolutely love teaching this class on edible weeds. Eating the highly nutritious plants that flourish without fuss feels like one of the most revolutionary acts we can perform at home.

With love,


14 Responses leave one →
  1. Becky permalink
    July 9, 2015

    if that is all they remember than that is what is important but you will be surprised what is stored away – my grown kids talk about things I never thought they would remember. Also rose’s pix is good

  2. Becca permalink
    July 9, 2015

    Our family has recently enjoyed McFarland, USA and the Greatest Game Ever Played together. Yes, very sporty but enjoyed by all. Swiss Family Robinson is another good one.

    • Rachel Turiel permalink
      July 9, 2015

      Thanks for your suggestions, Becca. Sports are OK. The four of us watched the last game of the Women’s World Cup Soccer game on 2 chairs at Carvers and were completely taken with the whole thing.

  3. Becca permalink
    July 9, 2015

    Oh, and the Man from Snowy River

  4. July 9, 2015

    As I try to find the plants I actually put in my garden after a week away, I wish I could pick your brain about which of it I could eat.

    • Rachel Turiel permalink
      July 9, 2015

      Feel free to send photos for ID.
      Also, Weeds of the West is a fabulous book – not for info about edibility, but simply identification. Also, if you’re not in the West, there might be a Weeds of the East book, too. :)

  5. Andrea permalink
    July 9, 2015

    What are those weeds soaking in?

    Also, this little silly thing known as, ahem, distance is really getting in the way of all this nutritional knowledge to be shared. Plus one kick ass friendship.

  6. Kara permalink
    July 9, 2015

    On sports related family movies, we non-golfers all enjoyed “The Greatest Game Ever Played.” Quirky, quiet documentaries Gabe got into include “Unmistsken Child” and “Jiro Dreams of Sushi”. Odd Australian dog film that had us laughing, “Red Dog.” In the vein of silly classics, the whole family loves “How to Steal a Million,” with Audrey Hepburn and Peter O’Toole. And we like kids movies like “Ever After”…

  7. Shannon permalink
    July 9, 2015

    Hi Rachel
    The Journey on Natty Gann is a great family friendly movie. Plenty of adventure and intrigue and a strong girl in the lead role. I watched it many times as a child, and later in adulthood someone told me I reminded them of Natty – tough but kind. You might be like Natty too.

  8. Shannon permalink
    July 9, 2015

    Journey OF Natty Gann. Oops.

  9. Barb permalink
    July 10, 2015

    one of my faves is Apollo 13 (TOM HANKS) about the aborted moon mission where they almost die but don’t. Very dramatic, exciting rescue engineering feats etc, but I can’t remember if it’s pg-13 and if so, why (language?). And, TOM HANKS.

    One of these days when you bring the fam east, get yourselves down to DC and we can spend a day at Air and Space museum, very cool. Laura is volunteering there once a week.

  10. Katy permalink
    July 15, 2015

    Have you read Wesley the Owl? Similar amazing story / mutual understanding and compromise thing.

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