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This Moment

2011 March 25
by Rachel Turiel

{This Moment}

It’s kind of a funny practice, looking back on the week of moments, of which there are approximately trillions that stand out in some way or another. There was Tuesday at 3pm, arriving at Col’s school to find him sticking his head out the playground window, looking for me. There was spotting seven deer on West 3rd Ave while pedaling Rose and her friend Tara home in the bike trailer on Wednesday. Or two kids melted onto me as we read chapter 6 in Farmer Boy yesterday.

And then there’s the other moments that stand out in some way. Like escaping into the bathroom for a breather, sitting on the toilet and sighing so forcefully that a forest of dust bunnies leapt into the air. And then laughing, unexpectedly, about that.

And sometimes, the moment I want to savor and remember most from the week is when the kids are exhaling their sweet innocence into the quiet house and being their Mama is the easiest, most wonderful thing in the world.

*** ** *** ** *** ** ***

I loved all your comments on my humble little giveaway, thank you. The winner was commenter #43, Stephinie, who said:

You know I’d LOVE to win :) So my tomatoes are up & sprouting their second leaves in the recycled greenhouse. Everything is deep green thanks to the chicken poop & compost I threw into the soil. I think the zucchini are going to be evicted soon, however, they are starting to get a little shmoozie with their fellow seedlings! Love, love, love the graph…. some day when I get the growing part down, perhaps I will need one of those. Here’s to hoping (and not giving up, even when I grow the worlds smallest potatoes).

Local digs now are eggs, beets, oranges & tons of leafy green stuff. Siberian kale is fantastic! We found a local farm that will sell us stuff on Fridays after homeschool co-op when we are right down the road from them because they are all prepped to hit the Farmer’s Market Saturday Morning (an hour and a half from our house!) How is that for incredibly awesome. Produce, eggs, chicken & goat cheese. “Just swing by, no problem” they told me. I am totally swooning over the whole thing!!

Please send me your address Stephinie and I’ll send off the goods.

And everyone, have a wonderful weekend.

12 Responses leave one →
  1. March 25, 2011

    All of those moments sound well worth remembering, but I love that peaceful photo of Rose. It certainly is good to be mama when they’re resting like that. Happy weekend to you four – I hope it’s a good one!

  2. March 25, 2011

    It’s true. How can you pick just one moment out of a trillion. I like that those dust bunnies spoke to you in the bathroom. You must be a magical mama!

  3. March 25, 2011

    Do we adults return to our baby selves in sleep as our little ones so apparently do?

    Happy weekend!

  4. March 25, 2011

    When they sleep, our brains find a way to make their pint-sized transgressions turn fuzzy, don’t they? Good thing, too, or else we’d probably lock ourselves in the bathroom, dust bunnies and all!

  5. March 25, 2011

    Love this! I don’t get to watch my daughter sleep much because she likes to be left alone in her room when she does, but on the rare occasion that I do, I don’t know who finds it more comforting – me or her.

  6. March 25, 2011

    i love your posts rachel. i aim to laugh at the dust bunnies in the midst of those types of moments too! <3

  7. March 25, 2011

    I have a little herd of dust bunnies living in my bathroom too. If the door gets shut, which is rarely, lol, up they fly.

    Moments are so interesting…lately I’ve been wondering whether i miss too many moments trying to “capture” them on my camera, or whether I preserve them by doing this. Interesting dichotomy to ponder. Spring is flinging so much freshness and vital newness our way, I can hardly keep up. We’re about to begin a new food growing year, and I’m thankful for all that you post about that, in how your family does things. I always learn so much and feel inspired to try new things. :)

    Have a great weekend!

  8. March 25, 2011

    Love the dust bunny sigh. Because I sigh and have a house peppered with those bunnies.

  9. March 25, 2011

    Oh, there is nothing better than sweetly sleeping children. I always think I could have three when my two are asleep, then they wake up and I’m good with two again!! Have a great weekend!

  10. March 25, 2011

    I love the end of the day when it’s finally quiet, not because the kids are asleep, but because I know they are resting their sweet little bodies for another full day tomorrow. So sweet and totally fleeting.

    • April 22, 2016

      That’s a nicely made answer to a chalnengilg question

  11. March 26, 2011

    I always love watching my kiddos sleeping after an especially trying day. My heart always swells and sighs with their sleeping innocence.

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