This Moment
2010 July 16
{this moment}
A Friday ritual inspired by Soule Mama.
A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week.
A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment to pause, savor and remember.
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21 Responses
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wow! LOOK at your garden! go mama go!!!!
happy weekend to you!
I am uber-impressed with that garden! What a wonderful moment in a beautiful garden to have captured on film! Thanks for sharing!
my, your garden is so green! Oh, to have some water….
That’s not a garden! It’s a jungle!
what a beautiful shot of a beautiful garden ….love that the kids are holding up their carrots triumphantly
What a great garden!
first carrots… truly a cause for celebration!
i am sure that is what heaven is like!
oh, *look* at yer beautiful garden! so inspiring. and col and rose *do* look so triumphant and pleased.
hooray carrots!
p.s. also thanks fer the kind *kind* (sniff) words over at Adventures.
What a gorgeous garden and what adorable little helpers!
This apartment-dwelling Brooklynite without a patch of grass of her own is very, very envious. Beautiful.
Harvest joy, I love it! You have created a magical space, Rachel.
Happy, happy weekend to you!!
yay for a picture that includes mama! : ) your garden is so beautiful – all that green!
What a magical looking garden! Great place to spend a summer day.
Wow… frame this. It totally looks like a magic place. Totally.
Yea Carrots!! What a fabulous garden by the way….I’m green with envy! :)
My Moment: Summertime is Bumble Bees and Sunflowers
Your garden looks so great! So nice and cool, perhaps with a shady corner to hide from this crazy heat?
now that is some beautiful green in your photo. i love your garden…it looks like a fun space to hang out in:)
LOVE this. I clicked on it wanting it to be bigger and bigger. Couldn’t be big enough. I need to see the real deal.