This Moment
2010 July 2
{this moment}
A Friday ritual inspired by Soule Mama.
A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week.
A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment to pause, savor and remember.
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24 Responses
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Wow! What a special photo. She is so beautiful!
Now, that’s what I call a special moment! Thank you for sharing it with us!
oh wow! that looks like a cozy mama nest:) i love this sweet shot. have a great weekend. xo, pennie
Wonderful capture! The nest looks so tiny….wonder how many eggs she is sitting? Great moment!!
Debbie – their nests are less than 2 inches across! Isn’t that amazing? I don’t know how many eggs she is sitting. I felt like I was pushing her boundaries getting as close as I did (with ogling kids in arms).
That is a sweet lilttle mama on her nest <3
We have hummingbirds galore, here, and yet I don't even know where I'd begin to look for the nests!! These are many hedges of cedar, many individual trees etc.
What a gift to find one!!
Erin, Dan miraculously spotted this tiny nest from 50 feet away. (I don’t think I would have seen it from 10 feet away). But Dan has an amazing eye for wildlife!
That is a stunning photograph. What a moment to capture
My mouth is agape – absolutely stunning. You’re right – no words needed for this.
tweet. or i guess, more like hummmmm…
gorgeous shot. precious moment. enjoy the sunshine!
very cool!
Beautiful birdie – my ladies loved this pic.
awesome shot!!! we had a hummingbird nest outside of our house last year and had so much fun watching her buzz around!
have a great weekend!
Wow! That is an amazing shot!
what a beautiful nest and a lovely shot of this mama bird. We have had a lot of fun finding nest lately ourselves, but I never got a shot of mama on the nest. Do you know if there are hatchlings yet?
Elizabeth, We spotted this hummer on a hike, and we haven’t been back, but I would think by now there are some insanely small babies in that nest.
Giraffes have always been my favorite animals because they’re tall, kind of skinny, have long necks and beautiful long eyelashes. All the things I’m not and don’t have! But humming- birds are a close second. I LOVE your picture.
Ooops. hummingbirds didn’t fit on one line in the comment box!
That’s amazing!
Wow such an amazing pictures. My boys are asking me why is it that our nectar is not attracting any hummingbirds, I just showed them your pictures and they went out running to look in the bushes ;o)
Amazing shot. I don’t think I’ve ever found a hummingbird’s nest!
Great photo of hummer Rachel. Also beautiful nest building by moma (and papa?). Very symmetric with lovely curved lines. Why would birds put that extra effort in to go beyond the function of a nest? Is it extra effort? Is there a function to the curvature?
Wow! What an amazing thing to witness. Lovely.