*wordless wednesday*
poop. i hate when things like this happen! may your brew make it into the cup on the ‘morrow…
Oh, no!
Oh sweetie, that was really funny for me, but probably not so for you. Hope your next day starts better!!
is it rude to laugh on my first visit here? i almost did that trudging back from starbucks this morning. i waded through snowbanks there and back through fargo-like temperatures and almost lost my treasure in the last snowy hurdle!
Oh crap, I laughed really hard just now.
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poop. i hate when things like this happen! may your brew make it into the cup on the ‘morrow…
Oh, no!
Oh sweetie, that was really funny for me, but probably not so for you. Hope your next day starts better!!
is it rude to laugh on my first visit here? i almost did that trudging back from starbucks this morning. i waded through snowbanks there and back through fargo-like temperatures and almost lost my treasure in the last snowy hurdle!
Oh crap, I laughed really hard just now.